Webinar “Improving Teaching in Higher Education: Institutional and Individual Dimensions” (22.12.2022, online)

On 22 December 2022, member of Higher Education Reform Experts Team (HERE team) joined the webinar “Improving Teaching in Higher Education: Institutional and Individual Dimensions” within the part of ITeachers MeetUps event, organized by SoftServe IT company. More than 400 teachers and staff of educational institutions joined the webinar.

Svitlana KALASHNIKOVA, Head Advisor of the Institute of Higher Education, Doctor Habilitated of Education Sciences, Professor; HERE team, was a key speaker of the event and provided presentation on tools for methodical examination of syllabuses; development of the educational discipline programmes and opportunities of improving it in accordance with the internal QA requirements; implementation of the teaching improvement paradigm via individual and institutional dimensions.

Prepared using materials of SoftServe.

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