Round table “European experience of using digital technologies in the economy” within the framework of the Erasmus+ project (01.05.2025, online)

The Faculty of Economics of Zaporizhzhia National University invites scholars, teachers, higher education students, postgraduate students, doctoral students, practitioners, representatives of state authorities and local self-government, business, university administrative staff, representatives of civil society, and the general public to take part in writing a collective monograph and join the round table “European Experience in the Use of Digital Technologies in the Economy”. The event will be held within the framework of the European Union’s Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project. Translated with (free version) 101085727 – EU-DIGITIZATION – ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH «Digitalization of the economy in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic as a strategic platform for economic development of the state» / «Цифровізація економіки в умовах пандемії Сovid-19 як стратегічна платформа розвитку економіки держави». The purpose of the event: to discuss and research theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of implementing the European experience of using digital technologies in the economy and the specifics of their implementation in Ukraine during the war and post-war period.

What? Round table “European experience of using digital technologies in the economy”.

When? 01.05.2025.

Where? Faculty of Economics of Zaporizhzhia National University, online, Zoom platform (ID 7450351614, access code 1234). 

Target audience: scientists, teachers, higher education students, postgraduates, doctoral students, practitioners, representatives of state authorities and local self-government, business, university administrative staff, representatives of civil society, the public and all interested persons. 

The programme and details of the event are available via the link.

Sections (chapters) of the round table (collective monograph): 1. Prospects for the implementation of European experience in the use of digital technologies in the economy. 2. Features of the use of digital technologies in business. 3. Directions of digitalization of the Ukrainian economy. 4. Theoretical and methodological principles and practical recommendations for the digitalization of the economy in Ukraine.

Languages of the events: Ukrainian, English.

Participation conditions and registration form are available via the link

Контактна особа щодо участі у заході: Dashko Iryna (+380973915082),

 e-mail: [email protected]

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