EU consumer policy in conditions of the green and digital transition
Short description:
As the economy becomes more global and digital, the EU is looking at new ways to protect consumers. The European Commission launched the New Consumer Agenda for 2020-2025 to empower European consumers to play an active role in the green transition, digital transformation. High standards of consumer protection in the EU can be an example for other countries with less sophisticated legislation. By signing the Association Agreement with the European Union, Ukraine has committed itself to ensure a high level of consumer protection and achieve compatibility with Ukrainian and EU legislation. The implementation of this project within the framework of Jean Monnet’s Actions will create conditions for promoting the ideas of modern consumer policy of the European Union and strengthening the European ideological orientation of all stakeholders in Ukraine. The objectives of the project are to strengthen teaching and research in higher education on the development, implementation, and prospects of consumer policy in the European Union in the context of EU strategic directions for health and the environment faced with emerging biological, economic, and social threats. The project will be implemented by creating an interdisciplinary optional course “EU consumer policy in conditions of the green and digital transition” for students of Sumy State University. The practical orientation of the new discipline will ensure that students acquire the necessary knowledge to exercise their rights and support the spread of European democratic principles in Ukraine. The project will also organize additional training events for the public of the Sumy region and the regions of the north-eastern part of Ukraine, including the public authorities and business representatives, NGOs and consumers. Project results are intended to contribute to the implementation of the green and digital transitions and building resilience as Europe recovers from COVID-19.