#Credit Mobility/Credit mobility

Presentation of individual opportunities of the EU Erasmus+ Programme within EU Study Days (11.05.2023, online)

On May 11, 2023 , the National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine provided a presentation of the individual opportunities of the EU Erasmus+ Program as part of the EU Study Days webinar “Overview of EU Opportunities”. Around 25 participants from different regions of Ukraine joined the event, representing active students and youth interested in exchange programs, […]

Participation and presentation in the webinar “Open Europe together with Erasmus+” (29.03.2023, online)

On March 29, 2023 , the National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine joined the webinar “Open Europe together with Erasmus+” organized by EU Neighbor east and Young European Ambassadors. About 195 participants from different regions of Ukraine joined the event, representing active students and active tourist organizations. During the event,  Kateryna ZHDANOVA , manager of NEO […]