Participation in the HERE team Virtual Study Visit “Universities and the employability agenda: Strategies, student support and industry partnership” (28-28.05.2021, online)
Title of event: Study visit for national higher education reform experts ‘Universities and the employability agenda: Strategies, student support and industry partnership’, conducted with the support of the EU
Dates: May 28-29, 2021
Venue: online, hosted by Dublin City University (DCU)
Programme and materials:
Ukraine was represented by Maryna MRUGA, State Expert, Directorate of Higher Education Education, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; Member of the Scientific and Methodical Council, MESU (HE Sector); and Volodymyr BAKHRUSHYN, Member of the Scientific and Methodical Council, MESU (Higher Education Sector); Professor of the Department of the System Analysis and Calculative Mathematics, Zaporizhzhia National Technical University.
This study visit will was hosted by Dublin City University (DCU), with support of the Irish University Association, which also plays a critical role in articulating university approaches to employability in Ireland. It framed the topic from the following perspectives, showcasing different national and institutional approaches and initiatives:
- Rethinking the university contribution to employability in light of the challenges presented by the global pandemic
- Employbility considerations in teaching, study programmes & curricula design
- Career support services for students
- Work placements and internships in a Covid context
- Universities supporting inclusive employment
- Data systems and quality assurance/ student tracking systems
- Collaboration with employers and other external stakeholders etc.
- Skilling/re-skilling and the role of micro-credentials
Learning Outcomes:
- Frame the employability of graduates in the Irish content, examing the Irish HE system and its adaptation to an involving economy and social fabric, accelerated by a global pandemic;
- Understand DCU’s approach and strategies for graduate employability and how this relates to teaching and learning, curricula design, student services, lifelong learning/skilling and reskilling and industry collaboration;
- Examine mechanisms and tools for assessing the impact of university studies on graduate employment, and understand better how this relates to quality assurance processes and mechanisms and well as national data.