The kick-off meeting of the project “European Integration and Ukraine: Historical Memory and Migration Challenges” within the framework of the Erasmus+ project (08.11.2023, online/offline)

On November 8, 2023 a presentation of the project “European Integration and Ukraine: Historical Memory and Migration Challenges” was held at the Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University. The presentation was held as part of the project of the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme, Jean Monnet Actions.

The event was organised by the academic staff of the Department of History of Ukraine, who are the project team, together with representatives of the National Erasmus+ office – Ukraine (EU funded project), with the participation of representatives of the regional and city deputy corps, NGOs of Zhytomyr, media representatives, teachers and students, and with the support of the administration of the Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University.

The event was attended by more than 20 participants, including 10 teachers from different universities/cities of Ukraine: three universities in Zhytomyr, Sumy and Vinnytsia.

During the event, the Rector of the Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University of Halyna KYRYCHYK, the Jean Monnet Project Manager of the National Erasmus+ office – Ukraine (EU funded project) Petro KRAINIK (the speaker talked about the peculiarities of the implementation of the Jean Monnet project in Ukraine, the spread of European values and knowledge about the historical memory and historical heritage of Ukraine, the social impact of the Jean Monnet project and cooperation with various stakeholders, in particular with executive authorities and public organizations, about the role of Jean Monnet projects in the European integration of Ukraine), the Vice-Rector for Research and International Work of the Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University Tetiana BOTSIAN, the Deputy of the Zhytomyr Regional Council Liudmyla Kotsiak, the Deputy of the Zhytomyr City Council Olena Yurchuk, and the Head of the NGO “Сoffer of Useful Deeds” Oksana DAVYDENKO greeted the participants and expressed their support for the project (on the landmark day of the start of interim negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the EU).

The presentations were made by Victoria VENGERSKA, Project Manager, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, and team members: professors of the Department of Ukrainian History at the Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University: Olha BILOBROVETS, Serhii STELNYKOVYCH; associate professors: Ivan KOVALCHUK, Oleksandr MAKSYMOV and Anton SYCHEVSKYI.

The speakers focused on such topical issues as the goal, objectives, main stages of the project, acquainted the audience with the scientific and organisational achievements of the team members, the main content of the courses to be taught during the project, the project website, and the prospects for cooperation with teachers of Zhytomyr educational institutions, representatives of the authorities, the public and the media in order to promote knowledge about the EU, provide professional expert assessments on the peculiarities of collective historical memory and Migration challenges.

Details of the event and speakers’ presentations.

Presentation on Google Drive.

Prepared with the use of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University materials.

Additional information:     

Information about the project

Project “European Integration and Ukraine: Historical Memory and Migration Challenges”. Aim – Improvement of bachelor’s, master’s and PhD programmes in history in line with the challenges of our time, in order to increase the level of knowledge about the basic foundations and principles of the EU, the processes of European integration of Ukraine, understanding of the essence of problems and policies historical memory, and European migration processes. Strengthen the dialogue between the academic world and society, including politicians at the local and national levels, civil servants, representatives of civil society, representatives of different levels of education and the media.

Contact person: Victoria Vengerska, Anton Sychevskyi.

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