HERE Seminar “Universities’ third mission: Partnering for social and economic development” (13-14.05.2024, Samarkand, Uzbekistan)

On May 13-14, 2024, the HERE Seminar for the Higher Education Reform Experts of the EU Erasmus+ Programme (HEREs), was held on the topic “ Universities’ third mission: Partnering for social and economic development” at the Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

The event was organized by the SPHERE – OBREAL Global (Support and Facilitation of Higher Education Reform Experts) consortium, which includes the University of Barcelona (coordinator) and the European University Association (EUA), an initiative funded by the European Commission. Since January 2015, SPHERE has been providing training and communication for Higher Education Reform Experts (HEREs) and National Erasmus+ Offices (NEOs) in the European Neighborhood.

AGENDA of the event – download.

REPORT – download.

The event was attended by 80 representatives of National Erasmus+ offices and higher education institutions and other organizations who are members of the National teams of Higher Education Reform Experts from neighboring EU partner countries, as well as Kateryna ZHDANOVA, NEO – Ukraine.

The event was specifically designed for higher education reform experts (HEREs), NEOs and focused on collaborative efforts between universities and external partners to drive social and economic development.

Experts from Europe and partner regions and countries have shared cases from their institutions and countries to: analyze the achievements and challenges presented; acquire a global understanding of the changing role of universities in their ecosystems; explore institutional and national strategies aimed at improving collaboration between academia, industry and civil society.

Through a combination of plenary discussions and workshops during 2 days in Samarkand, participants examined the contributions of universities in local society and general development, their adaptability to specific contexts, as well explored strategies to maximize the impact of universities through key issues such as innovation in teaching or digitization.


MATERIALS of the event:



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