Meeting of the Council of Vice-Rectors for International Cooperation on the specifics of crossing the border of Ukraine by foreign applicants in 2024 with the participation of representatives of the State Enterprise “Ukrainian State Center for International Education” (29.07.2024, online)

On 29 July , 2024, the Coordinator of the National Erasmus+ Office – Ukraine participated in a meeting of the Council of Vice-Rectors for International Cooperation dedicated to discussing the specifics of crossing the border of Ukraine by foreign applicants in 2024.

During the meeting, participants shared their experiences and addressed key challenges related to the education of international students. The team of the State Enterprise “Ukrainian State Center for International Education” presented their developments and practical recommendations regarding the admission of foreign students to Ukrainian higher education institutions.

Additionally, current issues of internationalization were discussed, particularly international project activities within the EU Erasmus+ Programme, which facilitates the expansion of cooperation between Ukrainian universities and European higher education institutions.

Such events serve as an important platform for exchanging experiences and supporting the integration of Ukrainian higher education into the global education space.

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