Useful materials for CBHE projects proposals writing on Higher Education in Ukraine

Information for international partners and database of Higher Education Institutions at Ukrainian State Center for International Education within Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine:

Priorities and contacts at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to sign Mandates:

Еразмус+ Пріоритети та контакти, МОН України

Key recommendations for preparation of the project proposals and ideas/challenges for new projects (NEO Ukraine and other Partner Countries):

Огляд і рекомендації до заявки

NEO presentations for E+Info Day in Lviv

Documents on Developments in Higher Education System of Ukraine:

– Association Agreement:

– Strategy of Reforms 2020: Useful portal for Strategy documents:

– Education Development Strategy (under development – working groups)

– Strategy on Higher Education Reform (under development – working groups)

– Law on Higher Education of Ukraine (2014) in Ukrainian language: (Translation into English “Law on Higher Education of Ukraine” (2014): Law_Higher Education_Ukraine_EN_2014)

– Draft Law on Amendments to Budget Code in implementation of Law on Higher Education was registered by the Parliament’s Committee on Education and Science (under consideration)
– In line with new Law on Higher Education the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine should establish the Independent National Quality Assurance Agency by September 2015

New Law regulates the following (in short):

– level of HE “Specialist” will be eliminated
– “Junior Bachelor” will become the short-cycle within HE 1st cycle
– Junior Specialist will be moved to the Vocational Education and Training
– introduction of 3 cycle system including the level of PhD
– Independent National Agency on HE quality assurance is to be created
– expansion of autonomy and academic freedom, student self-government in HEIs
– academic standards should comply with NQF (NQF as an basic for development of academic standards and curricula)
– curricula should be developed on competence-based approach using learning outcomes (ECTS implementation)
– for the period of academic mobility the status and stipend, salary and work place at the university will be retained for students and academics, respectively
– universities are to be granted the role to recognise the degrees/diplomas of foreign universities

Useful presentation in Ukrainian language:

National Portal on Reforms implementation:

Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers “On approval of the National Qualification Framework” (2011):
Action Plan for introduction of the National Qualification Framework was adopted by Joint Order of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Social Policy (2012)

Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers “On approval of the National Qualification Framework” (2011):
Action Plan for introduction of the National Qualification Framework was adopted by Joint Order of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Social Policy (2012)
– National Education Development Strategy till 2021 (2012)

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