Euroschool Network Forum (3-4.10.19, Kyiv)

On October 3-4, 2019, the EU Delegation to Ukraine organized Forum of EU and Euroschool Networks. The event aimed to provide meeting with over 350 representatives from different regions of Ukraine with the speakers and trainers from EU projects/donor organisations etc. The panel discussion gave the opportunity to all participants build new links for further joint events and regional collaborations. NEO-Ukraine representative provided consultations on activity plans for 2020. As a result of the NEO-Ukraine presentation, participants improved awareness on Erasmus+ main goals, Programme architecture, Key Actions, supportive documents, partner search etc.

Participants all over Ukraine expressed active interest and readiness to provide join events together with NEO-Ukraine team.
Useful materials about the Erasmus+ and promo materials were disseminated. Improved awareness of Erasmus+ for potential applicants and higher education stakeholders in general. Improved knowledge of the Erasmus+ for beneficiaries (organisations and individuals). Increased cooperation, synergies and exchanges of good practices between Erasmus+ projects.

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