Meeting with the representatives of State Service of Education Quality of Ukraine (12.02.2019, Kyiv)

On 12 February 2019 the meeting of NEO-Ukraine representatives with the representatives of State Service of Education Quality of Ukraine was held. Participants of the meeting were: Oleksandr YAKYMENKO, First deputy Head of State Service of Education Quality of Ukraine, Yurii TELIACHYI, Director of the Department of Control in the field of higher education, advanced […]

Erasmus+ presentation within EU Study Days (09.02.19, Zhytomyr)

On February 9, 2019 in Zhytomyr National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine presented individual opportunities in Higher Education and Youth within the session of the European project “EU Study Days”. More than 50 students from different regions from Ukraine attended 4-day workshops on common eurointegration processes. During the 3rd day of the session, NEO-Ukraine manager Kateryna ZHDANOVA provided […]

Study in Europe Fair Ukraine (2.03.2019, Kyiv)

Looking for personal advice about European study opportunities and scholarships? The Study in Europe Fairs are a fantastic way to discover Europe and get new ideas about your future. At the fairs, you can meet European universities and higher education representatives for personal advice about: What different countries and universities in Europe offer you European study […]

EU Programme Erasmus+ presentation: Higher Education and Youth opportunities for individuals and organisations (09.02.2019, Zhytomyr, Ukraine)

On February 29, 2019 National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine jointly with Zhytomyr City Council organized InfoDay of the individual and organizational opportunities within Erasmus+. About 50 participants attended the event: students, graduates, representatives of local HEIs, RIs and NGOs. NEO-Ukraine manager, Kateryna ZHDANOVA provided presentation on the general opportunities and Key Actions of the Erasmus+ in […]

International seminar on implementation of joint programmes in HE in Ukraine (6-7.02.2019, Kyiv)

On 6-7 February 2019 the International seminar on implementation of joint programmes in HE in Ukraine took place at National University of Technologies and Design. Organizers of the event: Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Institute of HE, NEAS of Ukraine, British Council of Ukraine, National Erasmus+ Office – Ukraine, Advance HE (UK), Consulting […]

EHEA MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE PARIS 2018 with the support of the European Union (23-25.03.18, Paris, France)

Title: EHEA MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE PARIS 2018 with the support of the European UnionDate: May 23-25, 2018Location: Sorbonne University and Palais Brongniart, Paris, France.Participants: Ministers of Education – EHEA countries; EC; representatives of higher education institutions, students and other stakeholders. Participants from Ukraine – HEREs: 1. Svitlana KALASHNIKOVA, Director, Institute of Higher Education, NAES of Ukraine, […]

Training Skype-session “Guidelines on the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet applications preparation” (05.02.19, Kyiv – Ternopil)

On 5 February 2019 the training skype-session “Guidelines on the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet applications preparation” was organized. The event was held jointly with the Department for International Relations with support of the Vice-Rector of the Ternopil National Economic University on the request of the university’s academic staff representatives. 16 representatives of the academic and administrative […]

Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education Grantholders’ Meeting (28-29.01.2019, Brussels, Belgium)

Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) in Brussels, Belgium organised a meeting for the Erasmus+ National Agencies, National Erasmus+ offices with project winners of the Erasmus+: CBHE Call 2019. The awareness of the NEO in Ukraine representatives about the peculiarities of Erasmus+: CBHE projects implementation in cases of financial administration, project management and reporting […]

Presentation of the EU Erasmus+ Programme at the opening of the Second Winter School of the Ukrainian Educational Research Association (24.01.19, Kyiv – Uman)

On 24 January 2019 the opening of the Second Winter School of the Ukrainian Educational Research Association (UERA) in the framework of UERA EU project “European Quality of Educational Research for Empowering Educators in Ukraine” (№587032-EPP-1-2017-1-UA-EPPJMO-SUPPA) took place. The Second winter school was organized by the Ukrainian Educational Research Association on 23-28 January 2019 in […]

Training Skype-session “Peculiarities and Guidelines on the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet applications preparation” (22.01.19, Kyiv – Lviv)

On 22 January 2019 the training skype-session “Peculiarities and Guidelines on the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet applications preparation” was organized. The event was held jointly with the Center for International Education of the Lviv Polytechnic National University on the request of the university’s academic staff representatives. More than 20 representatives of the academic and administrative staff […]