Helpful Dictionary: How to Communicate in Ukrainian?

Dear community, ESN Kyiv created a small, easy dictionary to help you or other people communicate with temporary relocated Ukrainians, especially children. We put all the love and pain in. Try it and share wherever it can be helpful! The article on our website A video with pronunciation that you can listen at the background […]


Dear Sirs/Madams On 24th of February 2022 at 5:00 a.m. President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin officially expanded the war against Ukraine that has been conducted for the last 8 years. War against the entire democratic civilization, violating peace agreements in Europe gained after World War II. Russian military aggression is not only a […]

Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to the International Partners

The team of the National Erasmus+ Office – Ukraine supports the letter from Serhiy Shkarlet, Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine and invite all partners to disseminate it widely! Dear European Partners! Dear representatives of the European scientific and educational community! Dear Colleagues! We know you are following the terrible events taking place in Ukraine. This […]

Participation in the event “European higher education programs and measures to support Ukraine” (03.06.2022, online)

On 3 June 2022 the state of education and opportunities for cooperation within the EU Erasmus+ Programme were presented at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine event “European higher education programs and measures to support Ukraine”. Representatives of universities, structures that take care of international issues in education and work in Ukraine, as […]

Expert support within “Presidential University” project (January-February 2022)

During January-February 2022, Zhanna TALANOVA, NEO – Ukraine, took part in trainings and meetings on the development of educational programs in accordance with the Concept of the Presidential University, taking into account the approaches of the European Higher Education Area and national legislation. On January 12, 2022, Higher Education Reform Experts Team (HERE team) Volodymyr […]

HERE team Summary Results of the Monitoring of the employment of HEIs graduates in 2021 (January-February 2022)

During January-February 2022, Higher Education Reform Experts Team (HERE team) Oleg SHAROV and Marina MRUGA as representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine conducted and prepared a report on the results of the Monitoring of the employment of HEIs graduates in 2021, taking into account international experience, particularly in Poland, in the […]

Interview of the “Ukraine” TV channel (21.02.2022, online)

On 21 February 2022 NEO-Ukraine participated in the interview of the “Ukraine” TV channel on the quality of higher education in Ukraine. Zhanna TALANOVA, NEO-Ukraine representative, gave an interview to the journalist of TV channel “Ukraine” Iryna Arshulik and answered questions about the assessment of the quality of higher education in Ukraine; changes should be […]

Participation in the 8th session of the Subcommittee on the human element, training and watchkeeping of the International Maritime Organization as part of the delegation of Ukraine (7-11.02.2022, online)

On 7-11 February 2022 expert participation in the 8th session of the Subcommittee on the human element, training and watchkeeping of the International Maritime Organization as part of the Ukrainian delegation was taken. Vadym Zakharchenko, HERE joined the session with the aim of representing the interests of the national system of training specialists in the […]


Participation at the DonNTU partners Forum “Youth. Development. Innovation” (11.02.2022, online)

On 11 February 2022 within the DonNTU partners Forum “Youth. Development. Innovations” a coordination meeting under the EU programme “Support to Relocated Higher Education Institutions of Donetsk and Luhansk Regions” was held. The aim of the event was to update information on the status of implementation of grant projects; raising awareness of relocated HEIs in […]