
Presentation within the meeting of the “German-Ukrainian Cores of Excellence” project (08.02.2022, online)

On 8 February 2022, NEO – Ukraine team joined the the kick-off meeting of the “German-Ukrainian Cores of Excellence” project. During the event, 12 projects on the creation of German-Ukrainian Centers of Advanced Science in Ukraine were presented under the initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Scientific Research (BMBF), the Ministry of […]

Interactive Session between the HEIs of Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan on the Jean Monnet action within the EU Erasmus+ Programme (08.02.2022, online)

On 8 February 2022, an Interactive Session between the HEIs of Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan on the Jean Monnet action within the EU Erasmus+ Programme was organized by the National Erasmus+ Office in Kyrgyzstan and National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine. About 40 representatives of Kyrgyzstan and Ukrainian HEIs joined the interactive session. Gulnara Chokusheva, Coordinator of […]

Webinar “Implementation Challenges of current Erasmus+: Capacity Building of Higher Education and other Cooperation Projects during the War in Ukraine” (02.06.2022, online)

On 2 June 2022, the National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine held  webinar “Implementation Challenges of current Erasmus+: Capacity Building of Higher Education and other Cooperation Projects during the War in Ukraine”. About 80 representatives of current Erasmus+ CBHE and other cooperation projects’ teams, as well […]

Official opening of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module “Common EU Policies: Coordination Strategies for Ukraine” (02.02.2022)

On 2 February 2022, Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project “Common EU Policies: Coordination Strategies for Ukraine” (EUCPASU) was officially launched at Ivan Franko Lviv National University. Due to the Covid restrictions event was in inline format. The meeting was joined by the Сoordinator of the National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine Svitlana Shytikova, Vice-rector for international cooperation […]

ITeachers Meet-Ups (27.01.2022, online)

On 27 January 2022, the webinar “Trends and challenges of dual education” was held. The organizer of the event was the SoftServe company. About 300 university staff and employees of IT companies joined the event. Speakers of the webinar were HERE team members Oleg Sharov and Yuriy Rashkevych. During the event the issues of the […]

Participation in the Sectoral Working Group on VET of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (26.01.2022, online)

On January 26, 2022, a meeting of the Thematic Subgroup on VET of the Sectoral Working Group on Education and Science was held, joining 43 participant. The meeting was moderated by Iryna Shumik, Director General of the Directorate of Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Representatives of the NEO in […]

Meeting of the Thematic Subgroup VET of the Sectoral Working Group on Education and Science (26.01.2022, online)

On 26 January 2022 NEO-UA representatives took part to the meeting of the Thematic Subgroup VET of the Sectoral Working Group on Education and Science. 43 representatives joined the event. The moderator of the meeting was Iryna Shumik, Iryna SHUMIK, Director general of the MoES VET Directorate. NEO-UA representatives joined the meeting, during which the […]


Participation in training within the Erasmus+ CBHE MEDIATS project (24.01.2022, Kyiv)

On 24-26 January 2022 in frameworks of the EU Erasmus+ capacity building of higher education project “Mediation: Training and Society Transformation/ MEDIATS”, International Highlight Event on Dissemination of Project Results was hosted by KROK University. IHE involved about 625 participants online and offline on the first day and about 230 participants on the second day. […]