Additional call for proposals for mobility under EU-funded Programmes is open till September 24, 2015

EU-funded Erasmus+ International credit mobility projects call (the second round of applications) is open. The deadline for European project coordinators to submit applications to the National Agencies is set on 24 September 2015.

The table with detailes on the countries will be regularly updated at the following address:

Another EU-funded opportunity is under Marie Sklodowska Curie Action (under Horizon 2020).

The open call for Individual Fellowships (215 million EUR). The call covers postdocs moving within Europe (2 years of support), going from Europe to 3rd countries (3 years of support) or coming from 3rd countries to Europe (2 years of support).

The deadline for submission is 10 September and it is well worth applying as the success rate is about 15%. Results will be ready the week at the end of December for projects starting after Easter 2016.
Further information available at:

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