Erasmus+ Information Day in Zhaporizhzhzya (10.12.15)

On December 10, 2015 National Erasmus + office in Ukraine (EU project) in close cooperation with the EU Delegation to Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (Brussels, Belgium), Embassies of Austria, Germany and Poland in Ukraine under organizational support of the Zaporizhzhya National University performed the Information Day of European Union Programme Erasmus+ in the field of higher education.

Target audience: representatives of higher educational institutions of Ukraine, research institutions, NGOs, students, employers and other representatives interested in preparing projects on modernizing higher education and training in European universities.
Program of Erasmus+ Information Day included two sessions: for higher education institutions on cooperation and organization of mobility projects development and for students, teachers and administrative staff on individual mobility opportunities.
In his welcome speech, Oleksandr Bondar, the first Vice-Rector of Zaporizhzhya National University pointed out the high need to develop inter-university projects with European universities under the Erasmus+ Programme. He also mentioned that creating a network of partnerships will enhance the Ukrainian HEIs opportunities and increase their competitiveness. Mr Bondar highlighted the importance of achievements of the EU Project TEMPUS «QATMI» («Quality Assurance Tools for the Management of Internationalisation”), which was implemented in university since 2008 till 2011:
During the Information Day sessions, university representatives and other interested organizations learnt about Erasmus+ structure, opportunities in higher education; rules for the participation under Key Actions: “Learning mobility”, “Capacity Building of Higher Education” (former Tempus), “Jean Monnet”, “Strategic Partnership”, “Knowledge Alliances”; and recommendations on the preparation of project proposals.
Participants of the session for individual opportunities of Erasmus + received knowledge with information about the Credit and Degree Mobility opportunities, including Joint Master and Doctoral (PhD) Programs Erasmus +, scholarships for study, teaching and training.

Useful materials prepared by the Embassies of Austria with OEAD, Germany with DAAD and Poland in Ukraine were disseminated among the participants.

150 representatives from different cities of Ukraine participated in the Information Day including: Zaporizhzhya, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Cherkasy, Kherson, Dnipropetrovsk, Krasnoarmiysk and others. During the event, participants had the opportunity to receive answers to their questions, and consult on current and future projects, individual Erasmus + Calls.

Materials of Erasmus+ Information Day:
Video presentation of Erasmus+ Programm:

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