HERE Seminar “Towards the 2024 Tirana Ministerial Conference: Implications and points of interest for higher education systems in Partner Countries neighbouring the EU” (07-08.11.2023, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)

On November 7-8, 2023, the HERE Seminar for the Higher Education Reform Experts of the EU Erasmus+ Programme (HEREs), was held on the topic “ Towards the 2024 Tirana Ministerial Conference: Implications and points of interest for higher education systems in Partner Countries neighbouring the EU” at the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The event was organized by the SPHERE – OBREAL Global (Support and Facilitation of Higher Education Reform Experts) consortium, which includes the University of Barcelona (coordinator) and the European University Association (EUA), an initiative funded by the European Commission. Since January 2015, SPHERE has been providing training and communication for Higher Education Reform Experts (HEREs) and National Erasmus+ Offices (NEOs) in the European Neighborhood.

The event was attended by representatives of National Erasmus+ offices and higher education institutions and other organizations who are members of the National teams of Higher Education Reform Experts from neighboring EU partner countries, in total about 40 participants.

Ukraine was represented by HERE – Maria MYSHLOVSKA, Student, Manager of international educational projects and programs of International Academic Relations Office, Ukrainian Catholic University and Veronika TKACHENKO, manager, National Erasmus+ Office – Ukraine.




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