HERE team expert support for state authorities and higher education institutions of Ukraine (January-June 2022)

During January-June 2022, HERE team experts Vadym Zakharchenko and Yuriy Rashkevych provided expert support for state authorities and higher education institutions of Ukraine, taking part:

  • in the development of the draft order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine regarding the procedure for recognition of learning results obtained through informal and/or informal education (within joint initiative of the Erasmus+ project “Support for the recognition of qualifications for Ukrainian universities” and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine);
  • in the Working Group of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine aimed to develop measures to ensure compliance of the National Qualifications Framework with the criteria of the European Framework of Qualifications for Lifelong Learning and the criteria of the Qualifications Framework of the European Higher Education Area, as well as to prepare and publish of the self-certification report (order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of December 24, 2020 No. 1554).

HERE tean expert Vadym Zakharchenko participates in the interdepartmental WG of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine regarding the improvement of regulations on the training of seafarers in accordance with the legislation on education; advises members of the scientific and methodical commissions of HE and VET sectors on a permanent basis on issues of introducing a competence approach, applying the framework of qualifications and ECTS in the formation of HE and VET standards.



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