Participation in hearings in the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Education, Science and Innovation (24.06.2021)

On 24 June 2021 HERE team representative participated in the hearings in the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Education, Science and Innovation. Volodymyr LUGOVYY, First Vice-President, National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, HERE team member,  provided presentation on “The first year of grant funding by the National Research Foundation of Ukraine: […]

Participation in the EU Career Days (23.06.2021, online)

Within the framework of EU Delegation to Ukraine project “EU Career Day in Ukraine”, 23 June 2021 NEO – Ukraine participated in the event for university students and staff of Zaporizhia State Medical University on individual opportunities. Such events aim to show the interest of local private sector, business representatives participated the fair on labour […]

Joint seminar with Ukrainian Catholic University (23.06.2021, online)

On 23 June 2021, NEO – Ukraine together with Ukrainian Catholic university organized a seminar for group members from Ukraine and Colombia as part of the UCU Global Outreach course. NEO – Ukraine Coordinator Svitlana SHYTIKOVA presented new Erasmus+ Programme and its new features. Participants improved awareness on new opportunities within Jean Monnet Action for […]

Participation in the training within the Erasmus+ CBHE PAGOSTE project (22-23.06.2021, online)

On June 22-23, 2021, within Erasmus+ CBHE PAGOSTE project a training “New management mechanisms based on partnership and standardization of teacher training in Ukraine was held. NEO – Ukraine joined the event with welcome speech and presentation. More than 160 participants – representatives of HEIs, VET institutions, educational and methodological centers of VET, the Ministry […]

Participation in the national seminar on dissemination of information on the final results of the Erasmus+ MEDIATS project (17.06.2021, online)

On 17 June 2021, NEO – Ukraine joined the national seminar on dissemination of information on the final results of the Erasmus+ CBHE MEDIATS project, hosted by Yuriy Fedkovych National University. NEO – Ukraine Coordinator Svitlana SHYTIKOVA joined the meeting and provided the project team with key recommendations on project implementation and its further sustainability. […]