Cluster Seminar “Internal QA of Higher Education: Development of Educational Programs and their Accreditation” (18.11.2020, on-line)

On 18 November 2020 National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine (EU Project) jointly with the Kherson State Maritime Academy HERE team and NAQA organised the on-line Cluster Seminar “Internal quality assurance of higher education: development of educational programs and their accreditation”. About 300 representatives of higher education institutions and research institutions of the south-eastern region joined the event. During […]

Cluster Seminar “Internal quality assurance of higher education: development of educational programs and their accreditation” (18.11.2020, on-line)

On 18 November 2020 National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine (EU Project) jointly with the Kherson State Maritime Academy HERE team and NAQA organised the on-line Cluster Seminar “Internal quality assurance of higher education: development of educational programs and their accreditation”. About 300 representatives of higher education institutions and research institutions of the south-eastern region joined […]

On-line meeting with the representatives of the International Department of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” (19.11.2020, on-line)

On November 18, 2020, an on-line meeting with the team of the International Department of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was organised. The meeting attended 3 representatives of the international department of the HEI. The NEO-Ukraine Monitoring Manager Ivanna ATAMANCHUK highlighted the issue of submitting an application for the International Credit Mobility call (partner […]

Participation within the Internatopnal Days of the National University “Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic” (18.11.2020, on-line)

On November 18-20, 2020, the National University “Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic” organized International Week within the EU Erasmus+ project “Innovative Multidisciplinary Curriculum in Artificial Implants for Bio-Engineering BSc/MSc Degrees” (BIOART). NEO-Ukraine Coordinator Svitlana SHYTIKOVA joined the events with a speech on the possibilities of the EU Erasmus Programme for Ukraine 2021-2027. A useful resource for HEIs capacity […]

Erasmus+ Day at Kyiv National Linguistic University (17.11.2020)

On 17 November 2020, Erasmus+ Day was organized at Kyiv National Linguistic University . Representatives of ESN-Kyiv and National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine joined the event. Presentation of the academic opportunities of the Programme, meeting with exchange participants and representatives of the academic mobility department, key steps of participation at the calls were presented for […]

International Forum «Human Capital: A New Agenda» (12-13.11.2020)

Over 1000 participants in Ukraine signed up for the Forum “Human Capital: A New Agenda” that took place 12-13 November 2020. The Forum is organised by the Ukrainian National Qualifications Agency in cooperation with social partners, the cabinet of ministers, parliament and key private organisations and ministries. The event was opened by Ukrainian prime minister, Denys SHMYHAL. The ETF Director, Cesare […]

International Forum форум «Human Capital: A New Agenda» (12-13.11.2020)

Over 1000 participants in Ukraine signed up for the Forum “Human Capital: A New Agenda” that took place 12-13 November 2020. The Forum is organised by the Ukrainian National Qualifications Agency in cooperation with social partners, the cabinet of ministers, parliament and key private organisations and ministries. The event was opened by Ukrainian prime minister, Denys […]

Participation within the public discussion “Euromap of Ukraine-2” (12.11.2020, on-line)

On 12 November 2020 a public discussion on the European integration of the Kherson region held within the presentation “Europe Map of Ukraine-2. Rating of European integration of regions “. This event became the second regional presentation of the “Europe Map of Ukraine-2. Rating of European integration of regions”. Key achievements of the European integration […]

Meeting with the Erasmus+ CBHE PAGOSTE project team (09.11.2020, on-line)

On 9 November 2020, NEO-Ukraine representative took part in a meeting with the Erasmus+ CBHE ” New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine” (PAGOSTE) project team. The NEO-Ukraine Coordinator Svitlana SHYTIKOVA joined the meeting with the project team and provided advice on project implementation, process of purchasing equipment, use […]

Participation in the webinar «Making mobility programmes more inclusive for students with disabilities» (09.11.2020, online)

On the 9th of November, the EPFIME research report was launched during a webinar “Making mobility programmes more inclusive for students with disabilities” with an audience of more than 650 participants, hosted by the Support Centre Inclusive Higher Education (SIHO) and the Flemish Ministry of Education and Training. The webinar is part of the two-years […]