Participation in a webinar from the British Council on “Academic integrity in online assessment – How can universities conduct online assessment that is secure and credible?” (16.12.2020, online)

How can universities conduct online assessment that is secure and credibleOn December 16, 2020, NEO-Ukraine representative took part in the British Council webinar “Academic integrity in online assessment – How can universities conduct online assessment that is secure and credible?”.

During the session, speakers from leading organizations and universities in the UK (QAA, Swancea University, Coventry University, British Council) presented the concept of academic integrity in the context of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and highlighted the issue of fair evaluation in distance learning.

About 80 participants took part in the event.

The panelists also shared tips on the institutional approach to evaluation, including ways to avoid academic disruption.

The NEO in Ukraine Coordinator Svitlana SHYTIKOVA joined the event and had the opportunity to learn from the experience of European speakers on the above issues.

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