Participation in the Erasmus+ CBHE MultiEd dissemination online seminar (30.10.2023, online)

On October 30, 2023, the National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine joined the final seminar of the Erasmus+ CBHE project “Beyond MultiEd”, aimed at the internationalization of education and popularization of the Erasmus+ Programme in Ukraine.

The speakers were the project manager of the National ErasmusOffice in Ukraine, Kateryna ZHDANOVA with a presentation “Cooperation with European universities within the Erasmus+”; and the coordinator of the MultiEd project Oleksandra HOLOVKO, University of Tartu, Estonia, sharing her own experience in project development “Writing an Erasmus+ project: We draw ideas from air”. NEO – Ukraine representative provided details on the opportunities of the Erasmus+ Program for 2021-2027, key actions and priorities, first steps with portals, etc. Sspeaker focused on institutional preparation for new calls regarding the internal initiative groups for submitting project applications in all key ations of mobility, cooperation projects and Jean Monnet.

Four parallel sessions of the event were devoted to the writing of Erasmus+ projects proposals and international experience of cooperation:

  • “Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Actions projects: the secrets of a successful application”
  • “Erasmus+ K2 projects: from idea to strategy”
  • “Erasmus+ KA2: How we started from scratch (confessions of beginners)”
  • “Erasmus+ KA171: How to get involved in academic exchange projects”
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