Presentation of Erasmus+ within the Civil Society Development Forum “WHAT WILL GIVE US STRENGTH” (05.12.2023, Kyiv)
On December 5, 2023, the National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine joined the Civil Society Development Forum “WHAT WILL GIVE US STRENGTH” held offline in the city of Kyiv. The forum was organized by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, All-Ukrainian Youth Center, Association of Youth Workers of Ukraine in cooperation with the United Nations Program in Ukraine, the USAID Program “Decentralization Brings Better Results and Efficiency” (DOBRE) with the financial support of the Governments of Denmark and Japan, the United States Agency for International Development . About 2 350 participants representing active students and youth organizations from different cities of Ukraine joined the event.
During the event, more than 100 speakers provided presentations, 16 locations were created, 7 panel and interactive discussions, 21 educational workshops and discussion sections, 17 donor presentations, 15 master classes, 6 partner exhibitions, and 1 reading club were held.
Within the framework of the exhibition of opportunities from donors, Veronika TKACHENKO, manager of NEO – Ukraine, presented the opportunities of the Erasmus+ Program in the field of youth, key priorities, first steps for newcomers and calls in 2024. Speaker also presented individual opportunities for young people and youth workers for mobility and opportunities for organizations to cooperate with partners from the EU and other countries of the world. During the consultations, clear recommendations regarding partners search, specific actions, requirements for partnerships, preparation of a package of documents and expected results were given.