Round Table “Europe today, yesterday, tomorrow. COVID-19 challenges” (19.05.2020, on-line)
On 19 May 2020 on the invitation and initiative from the Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics together with the Information Center of the European Union at KhNEU, Ivanna ATAMANCHUK, NEO – Ukraine Monitoring Manager took part in the Round Table.
The NEO – Ukraine representative informed the participants on the COVID-19 pandemic challenges facing the participants of the Erasmus+ ICM and CBHE projects on the issues of mobility as well as communicated possible ways to overcome temporary obstacles to effective implementation of Erasmus+ projects, based on the recommendation of the EU Commission, EACEA and NEO – Ukraine. The NEO – Ukraine representative answered the participants’ questions encountered during the period of restrictive quarantine measures, for the successful completion of the on-going student mobility and organization of further Erasmus+ ICM selection and participation.