Erasmus+ Sport Info Day 2025 (16.12.2024, hybrid format)

On 16 December, 2024, the European Commission and the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) held Erasmus + Sport Info Day 2025. During the event, participants learnt about the political context, the future programme, and the different funding opportunities available in 2025 for sport projects. Speakers also presented the latest policy developments and share practical tips on how to prepare and submit a project for the upcoming calls for proposals.

VIDEORECORDING and presentations at the link.

Opening and introduction of the event were provided by Sophie Beernaerts, Director, European Education and Culture Executive Agency, and Glenn Micallef, European Commissioner for Intergenerational Fairness, Youth, Culture and Sport.

The first session ficused on policy and good practices notably as regards active and healthy lifestyles, innovative approaches in sport and sustainable sport, building on findings from sport stakeholders’ experience and cooperation shared within SHARE 2.0.

The next session presented on the main aspects of the call for proposals and its novelties. Participants also discussed the best way to set up a successful partnership.

After the break, participants joined workshop aimed to explain the modalities of Erasmus+ KA1 Mobility of sport staff with a particular focus on novelties of the 2025 Programme Guide. Also, participants presented the application templates (project description and budget), the lump sum funding mechanism and the selection process (award criteria) of the call Erasmus+ KA2 Partnerships for Cooperation in the field of sport. Big attention was dedicated to those interested in applying to the Capacity Building call.

At the end of the event speakers focused on presenting the preliminary results of the Erasmus+ combined evaluation and the survey launched among participants during the registration phase on what is functioning well and what needs to be improved in the current Erasmus+ Sport programme.

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