#CBHE/Розвиток потенціалу

Participation in the Third International Conference within the Erasmus+ CBHE WARN project (22.11.2022, online)

On 22 November 2022, the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine participated in joined Third International Conference within the Erasmus+ CBHE WARN project. Event was organised by State University of Infrastructure and Technologies and Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, The purpose of the conference was to provide an opportunity to exchange experience and discuss scientific […]

Participation in the Erasmus+ CBHE DESTIN project Сonference (18-19.10.2022, online)

On October 18-19, 2022, the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine participated in International Conference “Journalism of the future: challenges, trends, development prospects” within the Erasmus+ CBHE DESTIN project “Journalism Education for Democracy in Ukraine: Developing Standards, Integrity and Professionalism”. More than 90 participants joined the event representing project consortium and higher education institutions of Ukraine. […]

Participation within Erasmus+ CBHE PAGOSTE project’s series of trainings (17-19.10.2022, online)

On 17 October 2022, the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine participated in training “Professionalization of Teachers: Approaches, Structure and Standards”, organized within Erasmus+ CBHE PAGOSTE “New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine” project. The event was attended by HEIs staff and VET teachers, researchers and others interested in the […]

Presentation of the EU Erasmus+ Programme opportunities for representatives of the Kyiv Academy of Circus And Variety Arts (02.08.2022, online)

On 2 August 2022, NEO-Ukraine team provided a presentation of the EU Erasmus+ Programme opportunities for representatives of the Kyiv Academy of Circus And Variety Arts. Аbout 15 representatives of the institution, who are interested in expanding the possibilities of international cooperation and submitting applications for the next calls of the Programme attended the event. […]

Transfer of funds in foreign currency abroad within Erasmus+ Projects

On July 28, 2022, the National Bank of Ukraine introduced the changes into the Regulation #18 which provide the possibility to transfer funds in the foreign currency abroad in the framework of the implementation of the projects obligations within International Technical Aid and Cross-border cooperation funded by the European Union. Please inform your projects about […]

Information day “EU Erasmus+ Program 2021-2027: opportunities for higher education institutions” for representatives of Dnipro University of Technology (13.07.2022, online)

On 13 July 2022, NEO-Ukraine team held a Information Day on the EU Erasmus+ Programme opportunities for representatives of the Dnipro University of Technology. About 40 participants joined the event. During the event, the NEO-Ukraine team had 3 information sessions on the opportunities of Capacity Building in Gigher Education, Alliances for Innovations and Jean Monnet Action. […]

Webinar “Implementation Challenges of current Erasmus+: Capacity Building of Higher Education and other Cooperation Projects during the War in Ukraine” (02.06.2022, online)

National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine invites Erasmus+ CBHE project teams to join on 2nd June 2022 the webinar “Implementation Challenges of current Erasmus+: Capacity Building of Higher Education and other Cooperation Projects during the War in Ukraine” organised in cooperation and with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. What? Webinar “Implementation […]

Webinar “Implementation Challenges of current Erasmus+: Capacity Building of Higher Education and other Cooperation Projects during the War in Ukraine” (02.06.2022, online)

On 2 June 2022, the National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine held  webinar “Implementation Challenges of current Erasmus+: Capacity Building of Higher Education and other Cooperation Projects during the War in Ukraine”. About 80 representatives of current Erasmus+ CBHE and other cooperation projects’ teams, as well […]

NEO – Ukraine Infosession “Capacity Building in Higher Education – Erasmus+” (01.12.2021, online)

On 1 December 2021, NEO – Ukraine organized Facebook webinar “Capacity Building in Higher Education – Erasmus+”, organised jointly with the EU Delegation to Ukraine, the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Info session was dedicated to the priorities of project preparation in education within […]

Implementation of the EU initiative “The European Green Deal” (28.10.2021)

On October 28, 2021, the National Erasmus + Office in Ukraine joined the All-Ukrainian Conference on Higher Education with international participation “Environmentally Oriented Higher Education. Methodology and practice – 2021″. The conference hosted a round table “Synergy of educational, scientific, management and industrial components for climate management and climate change prevention” (CLIMAN project, 619119-EPP-1-2020-1-NL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP). The […]