Have Your Say! During March-April 2023, as part of the initiative to promote educational mobility for everyone in the European Education Area, the European Commission held a public consultations with the participation of representatives of 27 EU member states. This initiative became a new stage of public involvement in policy-making based on the European Citizens’ […]
The Erasmus Student Network has published the research report of the 14th edition of the ESNsurvey, Europe’s largest student-led research project in the field of Erasmus+ mobilities and international student exchange. In its 14th edition, the ESNsurvey collected more than 10,000 answers in 2021. The main objective of the survey was to monitor the implementation of Erasmus+ […]
On 24 May 2023, the National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine, at the invitation of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, participated in the workshop “Preparation of grant project proposals and implementation of grant projects”. 50 participants representing pedagogical and administrative personnel, and the International Relations Center of the University took part in the event. […]
On 19 May 2023, as part of the XIV International Exhibition “Modern Educational Institutions,” the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference “Eurointegration Dimension of Higher Education in Ukraine: Current Practices and Perspectives” took place online. The event was organized and conducted by the Department of Scientific and Methodological Support for Integration into the European Education Area […]
On May 18, 2023, as part of the #EuropeDayUkraine, National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine prepared video-presentation on “Erasmus+ Day: International mobility in higher education”. In the video you will learn about: opportunities of Erasmus+ Programme for 2021-2027 for International mobility in higher education call details, cross-cutting principles, features and new formats of mobility projects for […]
On March 30, 2023, the Lithuanian Maritime Academy held a workshop on supporting Ukrainian maritime students to complete their studies due to the war against Ukraine. The purpose of the workshop was to discuss and coordinate actions to support maritime students from Ukraine for their successful continuation of education and it from various EU member states […]
On February 27, 2023, National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine joined the round table “International Academic Mobility for medical institutions: Challenges and Solutions during martial law”. About 30 representatives of higher education institutions, international and educational departments from medical institutions of Ukraine took part in the event. During the round table following issues were considered: Opportunities […]
On 9 February 2023, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv together with the participation of the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine organised Open Online Round Table “Academic Mobility During the War”. Representatives of leading Ukrainian universities identified common problems and challenges in the implementation of academic mobility and together with the National Erasmus+ office in […]
NEO in Ukraine held an Information session for newcomers (online, combined with a group consultation) for representatives of the Institute of Digitalization of Education of the National Academy of Education Sciences of Ukraine. During the event, the main principles of the Erasmus+ Program regarding projects, in particular, on international mobility, with the participation of educational […]
On 12-13 December 2022, the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine together with HERE team member in cooperation with the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Educational Science of Ukriane joined the training on “Internationalisation of Higher Education” within the EUs REDU project “Reinventing displaced universities: enhancing competitiveness, serving communities”. 25 representatives of […]