The Commission (DG EAC) has published a corrigendum to the Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2016
The Commission (DG EAC) has published a corrigendum to the Erasmus+ Programme Guide, which is an integral part of the 2016 Erasmus+ Call for Proposals. All details are available on this DG EAC website:
The adopted changes concern the following actions/items (NB: page references relate to the English PG version):
The missing footnote n° 17 in the table of eligible countries (p. 23);
Small modifications in mobility projects for Higher Education students and staff (p. 39), and VET learners and staff (p. 45);
A missing reference to the exceptional travel costs for participants from OCTs in Mobility for VET learners and staff with the E+ VET Charter (p. 56);
Highlighting social inclusion and promoting intercultural and civic competences of students in Strategic Partnerships in the field of Education, Training and Youth (p. 108, and notably award criterion “Relevance of the project”: p. 115);
A change of footnote n° 78 (p. 148), and the correction of maximum funding for “Joint and Structural Projects involving only region 11” in Capacity Building in the field Higher Education (p. 161);
Some corrections in Sport: European Week of Sport (p. 222), and Not-for Profit European Sport Events (p. 233 and p. 234).