Training “Improving teaching and learning. Ensuring the quality of higher education” within the framework of the REDU project (20-21.10.2022, online)
On 20-21 October 2022, the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine together with HERE team members participated in training “Improving teaching and learning. Ensuring the quality of higher education” within the EUs REDU project ” Reinventing displaced universities: enhancing competitiveness, serving communities”. Around 35 participants from relocated HEIs joined the training, representing Mariupol State University and Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University.
Svitlana KALASHNIKOVA, Head Advisor of the Institute of Higher Education, Doctor Habilitated of Education Sciences, Professor, and Zhanna TALANOVA, NEO â Ukraine Analytical Manager joined the training. During the event speakers joined discussion devoted to the issues of teaching improvement and the quality of HE;Â syllabus and requirements;Â modernization of academic disciplines, syllabi, teaching and learning.