Webinar for EU Erasmus+ Programme CBHE winners (2023 call) (13.10.2023, online)
On 13 October 2023 the Webinar for EU Erasmus+ Programme CBHE winners (2023 call) was organised.
The event took place within the #ErasmusDays worldwide initiative. NEO-Ukraine team annually joins this worldwide initiative and organised a series of its own events and activities. This year the events were devoted to the issues of âSustainability&Responsibilityâ.Â
Around 40 participants (CBHE projects teams representatives) joined the webinar.Participants also had the opportunity to watch livestream of the event on the NEO in Ukraine YouTube channel.
Serhii SHKABKO, State Expert, Directorate of European Integration, Budgeting and Policy Coordination, MESU and Svitlana SHYTIKOVA, Coordinator, National Erasmus+ Office â Ukraine addressed the participants with a welcome speeches.
Svitlana SHYTIKOVA, NEO-Ukraine Coordinator presented the peculiarities of project management within CBHE projects in Ukraine:
- signing the Grant Agreement, partnership agreement, general requirements for project implementation: activities within the projects, ensuring the sustainability and impact of project results; internal institutional strategic documents and regulations; maintaining project documentation;
- management of grant funds;
- maintaining documentation and reporting in line with national legislation and EU Erasmus+ Programme rules.
Veronika TKACHENKO, NEO-Ukraine manager highlighted the process of preparing documents and the obligatory procedures for the State Registration of EU Erasmus+ projects.
Zhanna TALANOVA, NEO-Ukraine manager, HERE team Coordinator presented the quality assurance, exploitation and impact of CBHE projects results.
Presentations and videorecording are available via the link.