Webinar on CBVET call within EU Erasmus+ Programme for VET institutions (19.04.2023, online)

On 19 April 2023 a webinar on CBVET call within EU Erasmus+ Programme for VET institutions was held. The organizers of the event: Directorate of Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in cooperation with the National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine and the Reform Support Team of the MESU.

More than 300 representatives of VET institutions and organistions joined the webinar and online broadcast of the event.

The event was moderated by Tetyana BILETSKA, deputy director of the Reform Support Team of the MESU. Zhanna TALANOVA, Analytycal Manager; HERE team Coordinator of the National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine welcomed the participants of the webinar.

Within the NEO-Ukraine presentation, Veronika TKACHENKO and Zhanna TALANOVA presented opportunities within the CBVET call, requirements for project applications, project evaluation criteria and the main steps for participating in the Erasmus+ Programme for newcommers, as well as ways and tools for finding international partners..

Expert Olena SHYNAROVSKA presented the practices of creating connections between VET institutions from Ukraine and Poland within the EU Programme “EU4Skills: Better skills for modern Ukraine”.

The speakers of the webinar were also representatives of the 2022 CBVET call winners. Olena SHELIMANOVA, Associate professor, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine; national coordinator of the CBVET project “VET partnership for Green and Smart Electricity in Building” and Eduard GONCHAROV, Director, Educational and Methodological Center of Vocational and Technical Education in Donetsk region; national coordinator of the CBVET project “Beyond Europe with Micro-credentials” highlighted the experience of cooperation with international partners at the initial stage of project implementation.

Presentations are avaliable via the link.


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