Webinar on Exceptional Measures for the integration of Ukrainianians within Erasmus+ mobility projects in higher education during the war in Ukraine (17.05.2022, online)

In order to create conditions for the support of Ukrainians during the war within the approved European Union Directives E+/NA/DIR/2022/017, E+/NA/DIR/2022/019 and E+/NA/DIR/2022/021, the European Commission informed about implementation of exceptional measures under the projects of KA1 – International Mobility in Higher Education, aimed at promoting the integration of representatives from Ukraine into the educational process in European universities during the war.

On 17 May 2022, the National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine organised webinar “Exceptional Measures for the integration of Ukrainianians within Erasmus+ mobility projects in higher education during the war in Ukraine”. More than 120 participants from different regions of Ukraine took part in the event: institutional Erasmus+ coordinators, representatives of international relations offices, institutions’ leadership and HEIs staff responsible for international cooperation.


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