Workshop “Preparation of grant project proposals and implementation of grant projects” (24.05.2023, online)

On 24 May 2023, the National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine, at the invitation of the National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”, participated in the workshop “Preparation of grant project proposals and implementation of grant projects”. 50 participants representing pedagogical and administrative personnel, and the International Relations Center of the University took part in the event.

The goal of the workshop was to discuss the basic principles of grant applications preparation, to get acquainted with the tools of grant opportunities search to participate in international grant programmes, and to learn about successful cases of preparation and effective implementation of international projects in education.

During the event, Ivanna Atamanchuk, NEO Manager for Erasmus+ mobility for organizations (KA1) and Erasmus Mundus, presented the main principles of the EU Erasmus+ Programme architecture and project opportunities in higher education to the event participants. In the presentation, the speaker communicated in details the peculiarities of Erasmus+ mobility project preparation, finding partner institutions, effective implementation of projects and ensuring the sustainability of mobility results for students and staff of higher education institutions. Also, the participants were provided with the information on enforcement of the right to mobility for Ukrainians during the martial law in Ukraine and comprehensive support provided to Ukrainian educators by the Erasmus+ Programme, European universities and all European partners.

NEOUkraine presentation (Ivanna Atamanchuk) for the workshop participants is here.

The more detailed information about the event is available at the organizer’s (National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”) website – here

Попередня 2023 Philipp Schwartz and Inspireurope Stakeholder Forum (23-24.05.2023, Berlin, Germany)