Important information for EU and other countries institutions and organisations working with Ukraine under Erasmus+.

Detailed presentation useful for organisations that are interested in cooperation with Ukraine or already are partners under projects (regularly updated):


New! About 40 calls for proposals open for Ukrainian organisations under Erasmus+ 2025 as a Partner Country Non Associated to the Programme.

2025 calls are published in November 2024 and already open for submission!

Presentation about open opportunities, needs and national priorities for 2025 calls.

Details are at – Opportunities 2025  including International Dimension 2025 link.

Useful analytics by NEO, HEREs and MESU:

Recent Developments of Education System of Ukraine and Legislation overview 2024

Presentation about the Ukrainian Higher Education system, reforms and priorities 2024

Translation of Tirana Conference docs

English version of Review of the Education Policy in the context of EHEA documents and Bologna Principles 2024

From March 2022, the European Commission within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme introduced flexible procedures and exceptional measures for academic mobility projects to support school, higher, VET, adult education and its beneficiaries from Ukraine. Moreover, from 2024 the procedures for individual mobilities in education field are organised in cooperation at the institutional level. Thus the potential applicant should contact first his home university!

Cooperation projects had the opportunity to adapt project activities in accordance with the challenges during war Ukraine, as well as additional opportunities of the Jean Monet calls were open for organisations in Ukraine. In addition, Alliances of European universities were given the opportunity to include Ukrainian universities as associated partners. Capacity Building in Higher Education Structural Project for Strand 3 will be funded for the digital ecosystem building to cope with the consequences of the russian war against Ukraine. Cooperation Partnerships and Forward-looking Projects were redesigned with the focus to support Ukraine. Policy Experimentation calls are opne in 2024  for Ukrainian organisations to become partners.

Open resources for school and adult education have open thier large platforms to support Ukraine: European School Education Platform and EPALE platform for adult education.

During martial law the educational institutions and other organisations of Ukraine continue working in different formats: offline, online, hybrid, depending on the safety situation and possibility to ensure shelters access/availability!

Before planning any events in Ukraine, please consult Embassies of Ukraine in your Country and your country Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Attention! all Ukrainian educational institutions are operational! Those destroyed or located at the occupied teritories were internally displaced, others continue working in different formats: offline, online, hybrid, depending on the safety situation and possibility to ensure shelters access/availability!

Universities have their institutional and national legislative rules for the International Mobility, regulated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (Regulation on the rights of mobility)!

Thus, the Inter-institutional Agreement at the level of universities is a MUST to be signed to organise the official international mobility for students and staff! It applies to both mechanisms if the mobility participants applied via home or directly via host institution.

It is very much critical to agree with Ukrainian universities mobility specifics, courses and recognition. Otherwise, the mobility is not offially recognised and recognition of results is imposible. Top up it provides problems for the Ukrainian universities to ensure the educational process for thier students! Please make sure that the students contact its home university to apply correct procedure before beginning of mobility/study! Please make sure that the official docs are signed by the institution first! If you need any help to find relevant contacts, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Note!!!Due to the martial law the males of 18-60 years old and certain categories of citizens are not allowed to cross the border.

The final decision is taken by the State Border Service of Ukraine based on the provided documents. Please discuss all risks related to this challenge and apply if possible for blended or online option. Or give priorities to males students who are already abroad or to female students for the period of martial law. The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine provides a request letter for Erasmus+ participants based on the letter from the home university for consideration of the State Border Service of Ukraine. It is importnat to receive confirmation on the positive decision before the mobility. In November 2023-March 2024, no students were allowed to cross the border, the Ministry does not provide letters for the students mobility.

NEW in April 2024!!! The new regulation and procedure is approved for Bachalor male students (state and communal HEIs) for one semester Erasmusing mobility. The details are described at the link here.

For the short term University Staff mobility, the Ministry provides letters accroding to the submitted documents by the Ukrainian university. The staff is recommended to contact its management to specify the relevant procedure and documents.

For all KA2, Virtual exchanges and Jean Monnet Projects:

Due to the Martial Law there are certsin specifics, please learn information at the link below which could be useful for CBHE, KA220 and other projects, the challenges are mostly similar:

The detailed information useful for international coordinators and partners about specifics to implement projects in Ukraine – link (December 2024).

Should your team face any challenges in Ukraine, please do not hesitate to contact NEO – Ukraine team immediately!

 Useful materials and links: