«European integration of Ukraine: challenges and prospects» (a meeting in the form of a round table with representatives of state authorities of Zhytomyr and the region, representatives of the public sector and scientists who implement various directions of European integration policy), within the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project (24.04.2024, online/offline)

On April 24, 2024 at Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University, the team of the project “European integration and Ukraine: historical memory and migration challenges” held a round table “European integration of Ukraine: challenges and prospects” with representatives of the state authorities of Zhytomyr and the region, the public sector and scientists who implement various directions of European integration policy. The event was organised by the project team with the participation of representatives of the Zhytomyr Regional Military Administration, the Zhytomyr City Council, representatives of the regional and city deputy corps, public organisations of the city of Zhytomyr, representatives of the media, teachers and students of Zhytomyr Lyceums, and with the support of the Rectorate of the  Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University.

More than 50 participants joined the event. During the event, the participants were congratulated by: the rector of Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University Galina KYRYCHUK, Dean of the Faculty of History Oleksandr ZHUKOVSKY. Presentations were made by: Viktoria VENGERSKA, project manager, head of the Department of History of Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University; Mykola KORDON, founder and head of the Zhytomyr Regional Educational and Scientific Center for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine (2004-2019); Svitlana BLIZNYUK, deputy director of the Department of Education and Science of the Zhytomyr Regional Military Administration; Pavlo KUC, Head of the Department of Foreign Economic Activities of the Department of Agro-Industrial Development and Economic Policy of Zhytomyr Regional Military Administration; Ihor SLOBOZHAN, director of the State Archive of the Zhytomyr region; Ilona KOLODIY, head of the Department of Culture of Zhytomyr City Council; Tetyana PAFRFENTYEVA, deputy of the Zhytomyr Regional Council; Olha BILOBROVETS, doctor of historical sciences, professor of the Department of History of Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University; Oksana DAVIDENKO, head of the NGO “Box of useful things”; Valentina YUSUPOVA, head of the NGO “Polish Student Club”; Andrii MAGALETSKY, teacher of Lyceum No. 21. Speakers focused on such issues as: main directions of implementation of international projects in the educational sphere, economy, culture; the history of the formation of the European integration movement in the university and the city; emphasised the importance of cooperation between the authorities and the academic environment in the direction of forming a culture of citizenship; those present were introduced to publishing and scientific projects, activity in the field of gender equality development and volunteer activities, as well as international support for Ukraine and Ukrainians in wartime conditions.

Details about the event and speakers’ presentations can be found via the link.

Presentation as a file on Google Drive:

Prepared with the use of materials of the Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University.

Information about the project: The project «European integration and Ukraine: historical memory and migration challenges». The goal is to improve bachelor’s, master’s, PhD programs in the field of history in accordance with the challenges of modern times, with the aim of increasing the level of knowledge about the basic principles and principles of the functioning of the EU, the processes of European integration of Ukraine, understanding the essence of the problems and politics of historical memory, European migration processes. Strengthen dialogue between academia and society, including politicians at the local and national levels, civil servants, representatives of civil society, representatives of various levels of education and the media.

Contact person: Victoria Vengerska, Anton Sychevskyi.

Website: https://www.erasmus-project.zu.edu.ua/

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