International scientific-practical conference EU Social and Cultural Studies: Social Innovations for Ukraine for students, young researchers, PhDs, practitioners and academicians, educators, secondary school teachers, active society members, general public (26.04.2023, online)
On 26 April 2023 organisers organised conference “EU Social and Cultural Studies: Social Innovations for Ukraine” in the frame of Jean Monnet Chair «Social Cultural Aspects of European Studies» (SCAES) – 620635-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-CHAIR and in the synergy with Erasmus+ KA2 project UNICOM – University-Community: Strengthening cooperation” 101083077 — UNICOM — ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE and Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “EU Studies of Social Innovations in Education” Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence ESSIE – 101085552 – ERASMUS-JMO-2022-COE and for the support of the sustainability of Jean Monnet Project «European values of diversity and inclusion for sustainable development» (EVDISD) 620545-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-PROJECT.
The event was jointly organised by Dragomanov Ukrainian State University (DUSU), Association of Researchers of EU Values in Education (AREVE), Faculty of Educational Sciences DISFOR – Genoa University (Italy), National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Educational and Rehabilitation Institution of Higher Education “Kamianets-Podilskyi state institute”, Faculty of Special and Inclusive Pedagogy (DUSU), Department of Management and Innovative Technologies of Social-Cultural Activity (DUSU).
More than 100 young researchers, PhDs, practitioners and academicians, educators, secondary school teachers, active society members, general public joined the event.
In the frame of the conference were conducted the following workshops:
“Social Innovations and Education: EU Practices” (Prof. M. Nesterova),
“Social Innovations in Inclusive education: European Practices for Ukraine” (Ass. Prof. A. Afusova)
Speakers delighted experience in next directions:
- EU Social and Cultural Policies.
- EU issues on social innovations ideas in education, management and society.
- Inclusion and development of XXI century skill as main principles of EU educational policies
- EU practice of Inclusive education in higher pedagogical institutions.
- Civic education and longlife learning in EU educational system.
As a result of the event, the following outcomes were achieved: Participants got a new working tools of the best European practices in the field of implementation social innovations ideas and principles in the social dimensions of educational processes. Thus, practical knowledge exchange between external and internal experts, teachers, university students, headmasters of secondary schools will help to implement the social innovations principles for the enhancement of the Ukrainian educational system.
More details about the event presentations at the link: and web sites of the partner Jean Monnet projects and partner universities.
Information about the project on the web sites
For further details:+380662339977 (Viber) [email protected]