Presentation of Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project “EU Customs Law” (EUCUSTOMSSTU) (29.09.2023, online)

Dear Erasmus+ community! We are pleased to invite you on 29 Novermer 2023 to participate in the presentation within Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project “EU Customs Law” (EUCUSTOMSSTU) coordinated by State Tax University.  The project envisages teaching the module “EU Customs Law” for bachelors of the study programme “Customs Security”, taking into account the experience of […]

International Scientific Conference “Formation of the Modern Ukrainian State: the Role of European Values in the Formation of Democratic Life” (07.11.23, online)

Dear community! We are pleased to invite you to participate in the International Scientific Conference “The Formation of the Modern Ukrainian State: the Role of European Values in the Shaping of Democratic Life”. The conference is held within the framework of the Jean Monnet Module EVADEM. Напрями конференції: Evolution of Ukraine’s European Integration: History of […]

Roundtable “Social entrepreneurship and traditional forms of business in the EU: experience for Ukraine” (21.09.2023, online)

Dear Erasmus community! Zaporizhzhia National University invites representatives of education, economic, business and government sector, representatives of public authorities, NGOs, researchers, and other stakeholders to take part in the roundtable “Social Entrepreneurship and Traditional Forms of Business in the EU: Experience for Ukraine” on 21 September 2023. The event will be held within the framework […]

Summer School “EU experience in training of practising teachers in STREAM education” (25-29.09.2023, online)

Dear Erasmus+ community! We are pleased to invite you to participate in the Summer School “EU Experience in Training Practitioners in STREAM Education”. The event was organised within the framework of the project “EU Best Practices in STREAM Education for Future Teachers” (STREAM) within Jean Monnet Module (101098885 – ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH-UA-IBA) Erasmus+ Programme for teacher training. […]

International Summer Environmental School “European Green Dimensions: Challenges for Ukraine” within Jean Monnet project (June 8-10, 2023, hybrid format)

On June 8-10, 2023, the International Ecological School “European Green Dimensions: Challenges for Ukraine” was held at the base of the Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University. Partners in the project are the following universities: University of Pryasiv, Pryasiv, Slovakia; University of the West of England, Bristol, Great Britain. 249 participants registered to participate. The […]

Round table “Green solutions as a priority of corporate social responsibility” within the project of the European Union Program ERASMUS+ Jean Monet (05/16/2023, online)

On May 16 2023, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University organised a round table “Green solutions as a priority of corporate social responsibility” within implementation of the EU-funded Programme Erasmus+ Jean Monet “The European Green Course as a perspective of sustainable economic development”.  101085435 – EUGDProSED – ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH The event was jointly organised by Oles Honchar […]

International scientific-practical conference “EU Social and Cultural Studies: Social Innovations for Ukraine” (26.04.2023)

On 26 April 2023 organisers organised conference “EU Social and Cultural Studies: Social Innovations for Ukraine” in the frame of Jean Monnet Chair «Social Cultural Aspects of European Studies» (SCAES) – 620635-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-CHAIR and in the synergy with Erasmus+ KA2 project UNICOM – University-Community: Strengthening cooperation” 101083077 —  UNICOM —  ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE and Jean Monnet Centre of […]

Round Table “Experience of introducing educational courses related to the EU” (11.05.2023, online)

On May 11, 2023, the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Department of Financial Management held a round table “Experience of introducing educational courses related to the EU”. The event took place within implementation of the EU-funded Programme Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module “Urban Revitalization – the EU experience […]

International scientific-practical conference EU Social and Cultural Studies: Social Innovations for Ukraine for students, young researchers, PhDs, practitioners and academicians, educators, secondary school teachers, active society members, general public (26.04.2023, online)

On 26 April 2023 organisers organised conference “EU Social and Cultural Studies: Social Innovations for Ukraine” in the frame of Jean Monnet Chair «Social Cultural Aspects of European Studies» (SCAES) – 620635-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-CHAIR and in the synergy with Erasmus+ KA2 project UNICOM – University-Community: Strengthening cooperation” 101083077 —  UNICOM —  ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE and Jean Monnet Centre of […]


On March 28-29, 2023, in the Vinnytsia city (Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University) the conference “VII International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “actual PROBLEMS OF THE CREATIVE PERSONALITY TEACHER FORMATION IN THE CONTEXT OF succession PRESCHOOL AND PRIMARY School EDUCATION”” was held in an online format on the Zoom platform. The event was organized […]