Roundtable on the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Babyn Yar within the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project (27.09.2024, Zhytomyr)

On 27 September 2024, the team of the project “European Integration and Ukraine: Historical Memory and Migration Challenges” held a roundtable discussion on the occasion of the Babyn Yar Memorial Day at Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University. The event was organised by the project team, with the participation of representatives of the Zhytomyr Regional Military Administration (represented by the Director and staff of the State Archives of Zhytomyr Region), media representatives, teachers and students, teachers and students of Zhytomyr lyceums, and with the support of the Rectorate of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University.

30 participants attended the event. The Dean of the Faculty of History, Oleksandr ZHUKOVSKYI, opened the round table. The following members of the project team made reports and presentations: Victoria Vengerska (head of the project team), professors Olha BILOBROVETS and Serhii STELNYKOVYCH, associate professors Anton SYCHEVSKYI, Oleksandr MAKSYMOV, Ivan KOVALCHUK; Ihor SLOBOZHAN, Director of the State Archives of Zhytomyr Region; Oleksandra HORPYNYCH, specialist of the Department of Analytical Work and Scientific and Reference Apparatus of the State Archives of Zhytomyr Region; Andrii MAGALETSKII, teacher of Lyceum №21, Anatolii HRYBAN, teacher of the Salesian Private Lyceum ‘Vsesvit’; Oleksandra ANDRUSHCHENKO, a pupil of Lyceum №21, Master’s degree students and postgraduate students of the Department (the programme is enclosed).

The speakers focused on such topical issues as: the importance of preserving the memory of the victims of one of the largest genocides committed by the Nazis, the introduction of Holocaust-related subjects in educational disciplines (at both school and university levels), the formation of a culture of participation among both students and pupils, in the sense of honouring and preserving the memory of the complex pages of history and the dangers associated with the functioning of non-democratic political regimes, building a culture of tolerance in a multicultural society. 

Details of the event and speakers’ presentations are available via the link.

Prepared with the use of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University materials’.

Additional information:

Information about the project

The project “European Integration and Ukraine: Historical Memory and Migration Challenges”. The aim is to improve bachelor’s, master’s and PhD programmes in history in line with the challenges of our time, in order to increase the level of knowledge about the basic foundations and principles of the EU, the processes of Ukraine’s European integration, understanding of the essence of the problems and policies of historical memory, and European migration processes. Moreover, to strengthen the dialogue between the academic world and society, including politicians at the local and national levels, civil servants, representatives of civil society, representatives of different levels of education and the media.

Contact persons: Victoria Vengerska, Anton Sychevskyi.

Project website.

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