Workshop “EU Standards on Free Movement of Goods, Services and People: Ukrainian Perspectives” (15.03.2024, Vinnytsia)

On March 15, 2024 Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University organised workshop “EU Standards on Free Movement of Goods, Services and People: Ukrainian Perspectives” within implementation of the EU-funded Programme Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project “Free Movement of Goods, Services and People: EU Experience for Ukraine” 101127358 – FREEGOOD – ERASMUS-JMO-2023-HEI-TCH-RSCH.

The event was jointly organised by the Department of Constitutional, International and Criminal Law, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University and the Educational and Scientific Institute of Academic Potential Development.

More than 40 participants, including judges, attorneys, students, business entities’ representatives, academics and lecturers joined the event.

In welcome speech Serhii RADIO, Vice Rector, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk Natiоnal University, Svitlana ZHYLTSOVA, Acting Chair of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Academic Potential Development; Ella DERKACH, Project Coordinator, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk Natiоnal University, welcomed participants and presented project team, project goals and objectives, project activities and expected results.

Ella DERKACH, Professor, Department of Constitutional, International and Criminal Law,  Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk Natiоnal University highlighted the EU Standards on free movement of goods and services, underlined challenges and perspectives for Ukraine. Iryna KOVAL, Dean of the Faculty of Law, reported on intellectual property market in the context of freedom of movement. Olha TURCHENKO, Chair of the Department of Constitutional, International and Criminal Law, stressed on free movement of persons and EU migration law. Yurii HOTSULYAK, Chair of the Department of Theory, History of State and Law and Philosophy of Law, presented the principles of free movement of natural persons in the EU, the economic and social approaches. Liliya AMELICHEVA, Professor, Department of Сivil Law and Procedure, reported on free labor movement in the context of Ukraine’s integration to the EU. Tetyana MIKHAILINA, Professor, Department of Theory, History of State and Law and Philosophy of Law, stressed on some challenges for implementing the right to education in the context of free movement of persons and services.

As a result of the event, the following outcomes were achieved: dissemination of theoretical and practical information regarding the EU standards on free movement of goods, services and persons, the directions for approximating Ukrainian legislation to EU acquis were discussed

More details about the event presentations via the link.

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