


Жан Моне

Медична освіта в Європейському Союзі: виклики для України

Тип проекту:MODULE
Тип HEI/Other:HEI
Період проекту:2018-2021
Регіон:Sumy Region
Короткий опис:

Just today (21Feb2018) I asked a group of undergraduate medical students at our Department whether someone knows what is Erasmus+. No one has never seen this word. According to Ukraine–EU Association Agreement, Ukraine has to adopt numerous EU directives and regulations in healthcare. This will bring Ukraine closer to EU standards and help to solve its long-term problems. However, for this, Ukraine has to improve its medical education system dramatically. Thus, brining best experience and practices of the EU to our universities is our first priority. In accordance with recently started healthcare reform, inspired by the EU medical system, this Module aims at equipping students and young professionals with knowledge on EU medical education. The Module comprises a teaching course on European tools, policies and best practices in medical education, summer school and round tables for graduates, teachers, local government bodies, medical experts, representatives of NGOs and the public. The Module will highlight positive European policies and practices in medical education from an interdisciplinary perspective. We plan to invite to our University an EU professional who can describe the issues from the angle of both a medical student and a medical doctor. This will be a rare opportunity for both our students and teachers to better understand what it is to be a doctor in Europe, how it is to study medicine in Europe, how medical teaching in Europe is done, and how we can bring our education closer to the EU standards. We will also invite local government bodies that they will learn how the health system should be organized according to EU standards. The main outputs of this JM Module will be i) increase awareness in key aspects of EU medical policies, including how they enhance their effectiveness and address social challenges; and ii) transformation of knowledge on the EU medical system into practical approaches for effective medical education in Ukraine.

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