


Жан Моне

Академія ЄС-СП: підтримка нового покоління випусників Європейських студій

Тип проекту:PROJECT
Тип HEI/Other:NGO
Період проекту:2018-2021
Регіон:Kyiv Region
Короткий опис:

The project is the product of collaborative efforts of the three academic Associations of European Integration Studies from Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, which have been steadily working to consolidate scholars with the expertise in European Studies in their countries. The wider objective is twofold: to enhance the young scholars’ research and teaching excellence in the field of European Studies with special emphasis on EU-EaP relations; to initiate the cross-country collaborative academic space of doctoral students and early-career scholars within the EaP region. Among project specific objectives: • to organize the EU-EaP Academy for young researchers in Ukraine, encouraging participants from other EaP countries• to design and deliver high quality teaching and learning that responds to community needs and produces graduates as active engaged citizens • to mobilize expertise, capacities and competencies of all project stakeholders in order to contribute to further development of effective mechanisms for the EU-EaP relations • to foster cooperation of the involved youths aiming at increasing their participation in a public policy debates regarding the cooperation of EaP countries with the EU.The impact:• young scholars will receive an advanced theoretical and applied grounding in EU-EaP relationship from both academia and practitioners with a cross-country comparative perspective • a more comprehensive understanding of the target groups on accomplishment, challenges and opportunities in three EaP countries in implementing the AAs will be increased• professional and research skills of doctoral students and early-career scholars in the field of European Studies will be enhanced • expertise on how to engage more actively in the public and civic activities related to the EU-EaP relationship will be provided • the network between young researchers in the EaP countries will be initiated.