


Жан Моне

Кліматичне лідерство ЄС

Тип проекту:CHAIR
Тип HEI/Other:HEI
Період проекту:2020-2023
Регіон:Sumy Region
Короткий опис:

The project’s goals are:
– to develop human resource with
✔ deep knowledge base on the EU climate change prevention, adaptation and mitigation policies (that can be used in daily life and on the different stages of the professional activity and decision making);
✔ formed the European level of the environmental values, competence and behaviour.
The project’s objectives are:
– to introduce the European practices into non EU related studies for university students and researchers;
– to deliver and disseminate in-depth investigations of EU climate policies and tools to wide range of academicians, external stakeholders, policymakers on the issue of the EU climate leadership.

Coming Soon!

Our website is under construction.