


Жан Моне

Європейська якість навчання для кращої успішності учнів

Тип проекту:MODULE
Тип HEI/Other:HEI
Період проекту:2020-2023
Регіон:Kyiv Region
Короткий опис:

Since 2016 Ukrainian school education has been undergoing transformations within New Ukrainian School initiative which focuses on the shift from theoretical knowledge to key competences and basic skills. In 2018, it was the first time Ukraine participated in PISA, and by the Average Score of Mathematics, Science and Reading, it falls behind most EU member states, especially Estonia, Finland and Poland that are the top EU PISA countries. So, the purpose of the proposal is to use the experience of the PISA top EU PISA countries to improve Ukrainian students’ performance.This will bring Ukraine closer to EU standards and significantly improve the quality of school education in Ukraine, which is in direct relation to most spheres of society. The Jean Monnet Module addresses better understanding of European policies and effective practices for developing key competences and basic skills for lifelong learning. The Module comprises: • 2 Summer Schools annually (1 school for teachers of Humanities; the other one for teachers of Science and Mathematics) on European tools, policies and best practices in school education;• content multiplication, as the teachers who are the Summer School participants, in their turn, will design PISA-like tasks on the EU-related content that will be sent to 28 experimental schools• intense dissemination at 5 conferences, 3 webinars, and 3 roundtables. Thus, the Module will include teaching course in the form of 6 Summer Schools (50 hs for each academic group with the follow-up 10-hour meeting for materials’ peer-review), and will comprise 360 contact hours covering about 150 teachers during 3-year period. The designed materials will go to 28 Institute’s experimental schools), and the EU-related topics in education will be discussed at 5 conferences, 3 webinars and 3 roundtables with the estimated number of 900 participants.