


Жан Моне

Політика пам’яті: європейський досвід для примирення в українському суспільстві

Тип проекту:MODULE
Тип HEI/Other:HEI
Період проекту:2020-2023
Регіон:Zhaporizhzhya Region
Короткий опис:

The project’s goals are:
building up balanced, effective and diverse national memory politics based on the best European peacemaking and peacebuilding practices in the field of treating transgenerational historical trauma and reaching social compromise over history, memory and identity through societal healing, politics of remembrance and forgiveness delivered to wide audience via various media (educational and cultural institutions, opinion journalism, fiction, cultural events, official discourses etc.).
The project’s objectives are:
to equip the new generations of historians, journalists, sociologists, cultural managers, public officials and teachers of Humanities and Social Sciences with the professionally relevant set of knowledge and skills for effectively communicating the historical trauma-relevant and conflict-sensitive messages to various types of audience, thus contributing to peacebuilding in the Ukrainian society, with specific attention paid to historical objectivity, fact checking, hate speech prevention and confronting manipulative technologies.

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