


Жан Моне

Сучасні європейські тенденції у біомедичній вищій освіті: Біонаноматеріали.

Тип проекту:MODULE
Тип HEI/Other:HEI
Період проекту:2020-2023
Регіон:Sumy Region
Короткий опис:

After adoption of the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement, Sumy State University is quickly becoming a Research University, using European role model, and with a kind support from the Erasmus+ JM Initiative. Recently, the SSU created a Center for the Collective Use of Scientific Equipment, with a status of a research and teaching department. Consequently, our urgent task for now is to form the teaching curriculum for the Center and to build up its content. Biomedicine and biotechnology are among the main driving forces behind modern evolution in European technologies. Recently, European biomedical education achieved substantial progress. Therefore, in this JM Module we plan to deliver one more European study to our undergraduate biomedical curriculum. The course will concentrate on teaching new European developments in nanomaterials (nanoparticles, graphene, etc.); advanced methods of diagnostics and treatment (theranostics, photothermal therapy, etc.); and evolution of the regenerative approaches using bionanomaterials. Teaching will be delivered by experienced teachers with strong connections to European universities and R&D companies. We will rely on our European expert from Poland, a prominent scientist in the field of advanced bioactive surfaces for dental/osseous implants. In general, this JM Module aims at studying the best European policies and practices in biomedical higher education. The Module has strong connections to local government bodies. The main output of the Module will be in development of novel curricula on the EU studies. The main added value will be in introducing a new European teaching course, contributing to establishing the European concept of Research University in Ukraine. The outcome will be in enhanced competitiveness of the graduates on the national and international labor markets, increased awareness on the biomedical research in the EU and in changed behaviors of the undergraduates and other stakeholders.

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