Розбудова академічного потенціалу з глобального здоров`я у регіонах Східної Європи і Центральної Азії
Короткий опис:
BACE’s overall objective is to enable three EECA countries – Georgia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine – to build capacity of their higher education systems in order to integrate Global Health (GH) into their academic programmes. This will be achieved through: the development of technical knowledge among partner HEIs in priority GH topics and GH research methods, capacity building of academic staff in pedagogical and methodological approaches for designing and delivering new curricula, jointly developing new GH courses, and the forging and reinforcement of collaborative links between HEIs and non-academic organisations in Partner Countries and Programme Countries. The project specific objectives: i)To develop curricula and deliver accredited courses on priority GH topics. ii) To develop curricula and deliver accredited courses on GH research methods. iii) Establish the EECA Regional Alliance for Global Health.