Training Skype-session “Guidelines on the Jean Monnet Module project applications preparation” (17.01.19, Kyiv – Chernigiv)

On 17 January 2019 the training skype-session “Guidelines on the Jean Monnet Module project applications preparation” was held. The event was organized on request of EU Information Center of Chernihiv National University of Technology. About 20 representatives of the academic staff of various departments and administrative staff of the university joined the training Skype session. In […]

Training session on EU Erasmus+ Programme (Jean Monnet action) (16.01.19, Kyiv)

On 16 January 2019 a training session on EU Erasmus+ Programme (Jean Monnet action) held in National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine. The event was organized in cooperation with Central Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education of the University of Educational Management of the NAESU. 18 participants from the different Ukrainian universities – National Aviation University, Kyiv […]