Presentation on Erasmus+ opportunities for students’ unions and organisations of Ukraine (20.05.2021, online)

On 20 May 2021, NEOs – Ukraine provided presentation on Erasmus+ opportunities for students’ unions and organisations of Ukraine, organized by the Trade Union of Education and Science of Ukraine jointly with the support of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine and the All-Ukrainian Youth Center. More than 80 heads of students’ unions […]

Participation in the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project’s Workshop of VISTA Association (20.05.2021, online)

On 20 May 2021 NEO – Ukraine took part in the Workshop within the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project of VISTA Association. About 70 participants took part in online event. Petro KRAINIK, NEO – Ukraine Manager, joined the event and stressed the importance of preparing projects aimed at creating educational products and disseminating leading European practices. […]

Participation in the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project’s All-Ukrainian Conference of Donbass State Pedagogical University (20.05.2021, online)

On 20 May 2021 NEO – Ukraine took part in the All-Ukrainian Conference within the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project of Donbass State Pedagogical University. About 77 participants took part in online event. Petro KRAINIK, NEO – Ukraine Manager, joined the event and stressed the importance of preparing projects aimed at creating educational products and disseminating […]

Participation inthe “Quality: Resilience, Innovation And Enhancement” Conference (11-13.05.2021)

On 11-13 May 2021 the online conference “Quality: Resilience, Innovation and Enhancement” was held. The event focused on ways the Higher Education sector has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the many innovative practices and approaches that have developed to meet the challenges of the pandemic. A choice of interactive breakout sessions explored four themes: […]

Facebook webinar “Erasmus+ Call 2021 for EaP Countries: Jean Monnet Actions Rules for Applicants” (12.05.2021, online)

On May 12, 2021, the NEO team in Ukraine joined the Facebook webinar “Erasmus+ Call 2021 for EaP Countries: Jean Monnet Actions Rules for Applicants”. The webinar was organized with the support of the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture (EACEA) in cooperation with the National Erasmus+ Offices of the Eastern Partnership countries: Azerbaijan, […]

Meeting of the Advisory Board subgroup on accreditation of independent evaluation agencies in Ukraine (10.05.2021, online)

On Monday, 10 May 2021, a group of members of the Advisory Board on Accreditation of Independent Evaluation Agencies in Ukraine held a meeting. International experts Ian WELCH, Lennart Stahle, Alison Johns and Olgun Cicek have previously studied the draft Regulation on accreditation of independent agencies for evaluation and quality assurance in higher education. Together […]