Participation in the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine series of events for VET on Erasmus+ opportunities (15.04.2021, online)

Within 3 series of events for Vocational Education and Training Institutions of Ukraine during April, on 15 April 2021 NEO – Ukraine together with the Reform Support Team of the Ministry of Education and Science organized a webinar on participation in Erasmus+ Programme “Experience of Ukrainian organizations – partners of Erasmus+ projects: ITE-VET”, covering around 1000 views via Facebook live.

The speakers of the event were: Svitlana TSYMBALYUK, Dean of the Faculty of Personnel Management, Sociology and Psychology of Kyiv National Economic University; Ivanna ATAMANCHUK, NEO – Ukraine Manager; Tatiana BILETSKA, Acting Director of the Reform Support Team of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

During the event participants learned about the opportunities under the new Erasmus+ Programme for 2021-2027, including opportunities for VET and learned how to identify the theme of the project, find partners and form a consortium. The event included a presentation of the Erasmus+ Higher Education Capacity Development Project ITE-VET, as well as the dissemination of its results and implementation benefits.

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