Participation in the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine series of events for VET on Erasmus+ opportunities (22.04.2021, online)
Within 3 series of events for Vocational Education and Training Institutions of Ukraine during April, on 22 April 2021 NEO – Ukraine together with the Reform Support Team of the Ministry of Education and Science organized a webinar on participation in Erasmus+ Programme “Experiences of Erasmus+ partner organizations: PAGOSTE“”, covering around 750 views via Facebook live.
The speakers of the event were: he speakers of the event were Oksana MELNYK, Research Fellow, Department of Economic and Business Education, University of Constanta (Germany); and Tatiana BILETSKA, Acting Director of the Reform Support Team of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
During the online event, participants acquainted with the peculiarities of project application preparation, coordination of partners’ work and the experience of implementing the EU Erasmus+ project PAGOSTE “New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine”. In addition, participants learned about the possibilities of the DAAD program – the German Academic Exchange Service.