#Erasmus Mundus

Who gets to study in Europe this autumn? European Commission announces this year’s Erasmus+: Erasmus Mundus Joint Programmes Selection Results (31/05/2016)

Directorate General for Education and Culture of the European Commission announced the selection result of this year’s Erasmus+: Erasmus Mundus Programs. Altogether, 68 students will get new scholarship or their studies will be extended with this decision. 36 graduate Ukrainian students have been individually granted with enrolment in the prestigious Erasmus Mundus Master Course (EMMC) […]

Inter-institutional agreement for mobility of students and staff with partner countries now available

As from the second Erasmus+ call, student and staff mobility in higher education will be possible not only within Europe, but also with partner countries from the rest of the world. The inter-institutional agreements which higher education institutions (HEIs) sign before they start exchanging students and staff had to be adapted to take into account […]

Nine Joint Master programmes were selected for funding under Erasmus+

New Joint Master programmes were selected under EU-funded programme Erasmus+: COlour in Science and IndustryJoint Masters Degree in Aquaculture, Environment and SocietyE+ JMD CARTOGRAPHYExcellence in Analytical CHemistryMedia Arts CulturesKino Eyes – The European Movie Masters – Erasmus Plus Joint Master DegreeEDUCATION POLICIES FOR GLOBAL DEVELOPMENTEuropean Master on Advanced RoboticsDynamics of cultural landscapes and heritage management […]